Ref; PAP/2023/0071 Land 800m South of Park House Farm, Meriden Road. Construction of a temporary Solar Farm providing 47.7MW output, to include the installation of ground-mounted solar panels together with associated works, equipment and necessary infrastructure.
This is the application for a solar farm on “Best and Most Versatile“ (BMV) land in the green belt of our Parish. The field and the wheat grown in it is visible from Meriden Road, Coventry Road, Green End Road, Sandy Lane and Far Parks, as well as the public footpaths that run through the fields. This is visible with wheat at approximately 65 cm high. The proposal is for solar panels which are approximately high.
The Parish Council, with the support of almost all residents objected to the application and it was rejected by NWBC. The applicant has now appealed that decision through the Planning Inspectorate. This Appeal is due to be heard at The Council House, Atherston on 10th and 11th December 2024.
NWBC will be fighting against the appeal and have asked FPC for support. At a recent meeting attended by a number of Parishioners, there was overwhelming support for continuing to fight the application and the PC have launched a JustGiving page if you are able to support financially Fundraiser by Fillongley Parish Council : Support the Appeal AGAINST this Solar Farm on Greenbelt Land (
If you are unable to financially support us, we would be grateful if you are able to write/email in support so that we can show the Inspector that Neighbourhood Plans shouldn’t be ignored. You are also welcome to support by coming to the Appeal at the Council House in Atherstone on 10th and 11th December.
To put it in perspective…… this is the size of the proposed development in proportion to the centre of the village.
It is on almost 150 acres of best and most versatile farmed arable land, in the Green Belt, highly visible from numerous properties, locations and roads in the Parish and contrary to a number of policies in our Fillongley Neighbourhood Plan
NWBC believe that this is a strong case. Whilst the new Government have had a change in Policy to the old government, this is still a huge, highly visible site, on the best arable land and contrary to our Local Neighbourhood Plan. The concern is, that if we lose this, the flood gates will be opened to developers looking to put more of these sites on our farmland in the green belt. Whilst FPC appreciate the need for energy security, FPC do not believe it should be at the cost of our food security or to the detriment of our Green Belt or the historic setting of our Church.
If you wish to discuss this further please do not hesitate to contact the Clerk. Thank you for your time, consideration and support.