Welcome to Fillongley Parish Website
Fillongley is geographically the largest village in North Warwickshire but due to the rural nature and farming heritage of the Parish we have a relatively low population. The Parish is made up of lots of smaller hamlets plus the centre of the village. Did you know that some Fillongley Parish residents have their address as Corley Moor? And some have a Birmingham postcode? We are that spread out!
This web site has been created with the intention of providing an up to date central point of on-line information for all the residents of Fillongley Parish to supplement existing forms of communication.
There is specific information about Parish Council and their meetings, general information about clubs and societies, a list of local businesses as well as a comprehensive “what’s on” in the form of a Village Diary.
The VILLAGE DIARY is a new feature of the site is. This is intended to be a comprehensive “Whats on” and not only cover regular clubs but also one off events. It is hoped that by having central information, it will help every group when planning events to ensure as few clashes as possible enabling everyone to come to your events. Please send forward your dates for the diary and they can be put on straight away – as far ahead as you like! If you hover your mouse over the activity you are interested in it will give you further details including contact details for the organiser of that activity.
There is always a lot going on in the village and people are very welcoming to new members of groups and societies so do go along and get involved.
If you live/work in the Parish and would like your business to be listed, please do contact us – its free! The listings are in not recommendations by the Parish Council, but intended to enable local people to be able to buy from local people if they wish.
Contributions to be considered for inclusion by all interested parties are welcome, and can be submitted by email to clerk@fillongleyparishcouncil.co.uk